Sunday, May 20, 2007

to prove how much we love Food Network...

Tonight I was reading the kids their bedtime story from a phenomenal book recommended by Shannon at Rocks in My Dryer called "The Jesus Storybook Bible - Every story whispers his name." I cannot even begin to tell you how much my kids love this book - this is one you'll want to have in your kids' library, for sure. We started in the New Testament when we got it, because we were close to Easter, so I wanted to read the kids the story of Jesus and the cross, we read from there to "the end." So now, we've started again at the beginning and tonight's story was about Abraham sacrificing his son Issac. We read the story, and stopped to put the bookmark in, when Shira asks what the title for the next chapter was. It was "The girl nobody wanted" - about Leah and Rachel. So Shira reverently whispers "Rachael Ray!" Apparently, God is into 30 minute least in the mind of my daughter!


Anonymous said...

That's hilarious!

Maybe Moses could have used Rachael Ray to tell the Hebrew people how to cook their Passover Lamb...or something like that.

Alana said...

Rachel Ray Rocks!! And that Paula Dean is a hoot! Love that post!

Kelly @ Love Well said...

Actually, I think everyone wants Rachel Ray these days. She's everywhere lately!

If she got together with Bill Gates, they could rule the world!