Friday, June 8, 2007

Shira's Tea Party

Shira turned six years old this past Sunday. To celebrate, we hosted her very first "official" party - in the form of a fancy tea party! She invited 6 little girls over, and we have a very fun tea party. These are the girls, where we started out on our back porch - the plan was to have a "garden tea party," but although the weather was gorgeous - it was incredibly hot and muggy.

We made pink and purple bead bracelets and blew bubbles, and the girls played on the swingset. All that activity made them hot - so we moved the party inside!

This is our living room - where the tea party was relocated to. MUCH cooler - thank you, Lord!

The menu was chicken salad sandwiches, cucumber sandwiches, pimento cheese sandwiches, PB&J on Cinnamon bread, deviled eggs, olives, mini fruit kabobs, petit fours, chocolate chip cookie dough truffles, lime-raspberry bites and mints. Rather than hot tea, which I was afraid the girls wouldn't like, I made a great recipe from a friend of mine called Tea Punch - basically brewed decaf iced tea with pineapple juice, lemon juice, orange juice and gingerale. It was a hit! And my mom was sooo great to help with Micah while I was busy with the girls!

Hannah Hayley Milena
These are some of Shira's best buds...they all had a fun time. So sweet!

My mom ordered these amazingly cute teacups online for the party. They are tiny - they hold probably about 1/3 cup of liquid. The girls had a blast drinking out of the fancy cups - we sure went through the tea!

These are the favor bags. I wanted to fold the corners down and staple them to look like actual tea bags - but the bags were too full to do that, oh well. The gifts inside included a mini china tea set, a book called Ella's Tea Party, wildflower seed packets and a toy tea cup with mints it it and a bag of Stash Blackberry Herbal Tea wrapped up in tulle and tied with a sheer ribbon and artificial rose.


jewellspring said...

You did a lovely job. Great favors! Isn't it wonderful how children enjoy tea parties?

You might be surprised how much little children like the real beverage, especially if you let them use sugar cubes and milk. I write about it a lot.

Alana said...

Sara, that is sooooo cute! Can you believe your baby is 6????

Kelly @ Love Well said...

I wanna come to the party!!

Looks like a GREAT time. (And kudos for the creativity, Mom. Well done!)

Janelle said...

What a perfect party! I am sure your daughter loved every minute. Thanks for the great ideas...I will be needing them for my daughter. Your menu sounded FABULOUS!

Military Mommy said...

You are so creative! Wow! I loved all of the ideas, but the party bags took the cake! : ) So glad your sweet girl and friends had a wonderful party.

D said...

What a lovely party! Sounds like you put a lot of work into making it special! My tummy was rumbly reading the menu! I would love to have that tea punch recipe!

Jennifer said...

What a wonderful teaparty!!! You are so creative

Sandy said...

Hi, I came over for a visit from Kelly's. I posted a "tea party" blog back in April. So fun!
Looks like YOU had a great time.
For Reluctant Entertainers

Girl Raised in the South said...

What an absolutely precious idea. I love seeing moms raising girls to be girly! Emilie Barnes has a book just on tea parties for little ones.